Home Forums MBA International "More to an MBA than Earning Power"

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  • #52797

    Hello everyone!

    We just wanted to direct your attention to a new article from Times Higher Education about an interview with LBS dean Francois Ortalo-Magne who joined the school last August. There are some gems in there to help you answer the “Why an MBA?” question for yourself as well as for the applications.

    In addition to the value graduates say they place on the help they received with finding their voice, Ortalo-Magne also stated alumni, “will talk about the first year as when they really pushed themselves. And then, towards the end of the first year and second year, [they talk about] being able to breathe and look at the world differently – because of the people they encounter, the experiences, the trips we organize and meeting other alumni. I don’t know how you quantify that, [but] that’s a lot more than salary.”

    The dean also worked in a plug for LBS by mentioning that its independent status (it’s not attached to a larger university) allows it greater flexibility in establishing partnerships with other organizations. The THE article linked above is fairly short and we encourage you to read it to see all the dean has to say in the interview.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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