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    Ladies and Gents,

    Hello. I’m an Infantry Officer in the Army, and wanted to get a gauge of where I should be applying to b-school. I’d really like to end up in management consulting with a big firm, location immateriel. Here’s a little about myself:

    -BA in Political Science from the University of San Diego (3.2 GPA)

    1. Infantry Platoon Leader in charge of 40 personnel in Iraq (2 years); Bronze Star for service.
    2. Infantry Company Executive Officer (1 year): Ran the daily operations of a 130 man infantry company, supervising training, logistics, maintenance, etc. Planned training.
    3. Operations Officer (1 year): Responsible for synchronizing and planning near term activities for a 2800 Soldier Regiment, which serves as the Opposing Force for 10 Brigade Combat Teams, annually, preparing for combat deployments.
    4. Horse Detachment Commander (1 year): Interacted with higher level commands and the public to provide horses, mules, and goats for training exercises as well as ceremonial roles during parades, public events and demonstrations.

    I haven’t taken the GMAT yet; in your response, could you please indicate what GMAT score I’d have to receive to get into the given schools. Thanks for any answers!



    Hi Lewis and welcome to Admissions Boards!

    It would seem to me that with a GMAT score near the school’s median, you would be OK but you may want to post this on the Ask AdmissionsConsultants thread for a more expert answer. (Be sure to click “Reply to Topic” and not “New Topic.”

    Best of luck!

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