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    My Gmat is 660
    Work Ex will be 2 years in May 2012
    I am working in IBM India as System Engineer.
    I do not have any financial issues (I can spend $120K for mba)

    10 th : 86.2 %
    12 th : 77.0
    Graduation : 7.85 / 10

    Extracurricular activity : started a company PaperweightIndia Group which was involved in social activities as well as short film making.
    I am the Project Director of that company.
    The website is

    In my graduation time also i arranged a lot of College Annual Festival i.e.Cultural and Technical Festivals.

    This is a short info about my profile.

    I am applying to following colleges.
    Can anybody describe what are my chances of getting into Full Time MBA program.

    1) University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    2) Rochester simon
    3)Penn State Smeal
    4) Michigan state broad
    5) Tulane university freeman
    6) Boston College Caroll
    7) York University schulich
    8) Marryland Smith

    Waiting for ur reply.
    Thank you.


    Hi anupammba and welcome to Admissions Boards!

    I encourage you to repost this in the Ask AdmissionsConsultants thread for a more expert answer than I can provide. Be sure to click “Reply To Topic” and not “New Topic.”

    Best of luck and Happy new year!


    Out of the colleges you mentioned, the following follows your criteria for admission to Full time MBA programme:

    3)Penn State Smeal
    4) Michigan state broad
    6) Boston College Caroll
    7) York University schulich
    8) Marryland Smith

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