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    Captain Heebee

    What’s the optimal number of times to take the GMAT?


    What’s the optimal number of times to take the GMAT?

    Hi and thanks for your inquiry.

    Ideally, you would only take the GMAT once. You would study hard and simulate the real test by taking official GMAC practice tests under timed conditions. If you don’t achieve the score you need and you are confident you can pull your score up by at least 30 points, then by all means, retake the test. (This assumes of course that you are not over your five times in 12 months limit.)

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    Hi David,

    I’ve been working for two years in the family painting business. It’s pretty small with less than 20 employees. How can I use this experience to get into a top MBA program?


    Hi David,

    I’ve been working for two years in the family painting business. It’s pretty small with less than 20 employees. How can I use this experience to get into a top MBA program?

    Hi and thanks for your inquiry.

    Staying at such a company is going to present some unique challenges if you’re targeting the top MBA programs. You’ll need to pull off a pretty significant project that highlights initiative and leadership. Furthermore it has to be you driving the project and not give off any appearance of embellishment whatsoever.

    You’re welcome to call us at 1.800.809.0800 for a complimentary assessment but I’d like to advise you upfront that there’s going to be a chance we would recommend switching jobs if you want to optimize your chances at a top business school.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    Matt The Cat

    Hi David,

    I’m a bit different than the typical applicant you probably see. I’m an American who has been working in Europe and I’m only looking at top European schools right now. I have 9 years of good progressive work experience in marketing for a Fortune 200. My extracurriculars are not good but I have a 750 GMAT and a 3.8 from a top public college. Will I be competitive at HEC, IE and INSEAD?



    Hi David,

    I’m a bit different than the typical applicant you probably see. I’m an American who has been working in Europe and I’m only looking at top European schools right now. I have 9 years of good progressive work experience in marketing for a Fortune 200. My extracurriculars are not good but I have a 750 GMAT and a 3.8 from a top public college. Will I be competitive at HEC, IE and INSEAD?


    Hi Matt and thanks for your inquiry.

    First of all, we’re happy to offer a more comprehensive and complimentary assessment if you contact us via phone or email. That said, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be competitive with well-prepared applications based on what you included in your brief blurb above.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    roberta berg

    Hi David,

    I’d really like to go to a top business school, but I can’t get my GMAT above 520 even after a lot of practice and a few attempts. What do you advise?


    Hi David,

    I’d really like to go to a top business school, but I can’t get my GMAT above 520 even after a lot of practice and a few attempts. What do you advise?

    Hi Roberta and thanks for your inquiry.

    That’s a tough issue unfortunately. With a 520, you are going to need to be absolutely extraordinary in regards to your grades and/or work experience. If you want to discuss the possibility of attempting the GRE, test anxiety, etc., you’re certainly welcome to call us to have an in-depth and complimentary assessment of what *may* be doable with regards to your standardized test score.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    I’m an IT consultant and my undergrad GPA is not good at all. My grad GPA is much better though. How can I use this to my advantage?


    I’m an IT consultant and my undergrad GPA is not good at all. My grad GPA is much better though. How can I use this to my advantage?

    Hi and thanks for your inquiry.

    We’d need some more details like the exact GPAs, majors/degrees and institutions that granted them. You’re welcome to call us at 1.800.809.0800 (+1 703.242.5885 outside the US and Canada) to discuss this in more detail.)

    That said, I’d hope you would be able to use the graduate GPA to your advantage. You need to carefully explain why that GPA is more indicative of the type of student you will be in the reader’s b-school than the grades contained in your undergrad transcript.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    I had an academic dishonesty on my transcript as a sophomore. I’ve been pretty stellar since. How does this impact my applications?


    I had an academic dishonesty on my transcript as a sophomore. I’ve been pretty stellar since. How does this impact my applications?

    Hi Seabrick and thanks for your inquiry.

    Depending on how long ago it was and what you’ve done since, you’ll most likely need to address it. (Hopefully, briefly and succinctly.) It won’t necessarily sink your chances at the top schools, but it will make it harder to positively distinguish yourself. Give us a ring if you want to discuss this in more detail.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    Mexican Marine

    I’m having some issues prepping for the GMAT. How important is that score?


    I’m having some issues prepping for the GMAT. How important is that score?

    Hi and thanks for your inquiry.

    The importance of the score will depend on many things including the selectivity of the program you’re targeting, the exact percentiles for the different sections and the rest of your application such as grades, how analytical your work is, etc.

    Feel free to call us to discuss your particular candidacy, whether it makes sense to consider the GRE, what score you might need, etc. We’re more than happy to talk to you about your b-school candidacy. And if you want some generic information on the importance of the GMAT, see the video we published on this same topic a few years ago by clicking here.

    Best of luck with your applications!


    David Petersam
    AdmissionsConsultants, Inc.


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    Hi David,

    Wow! What a great resource. Thank you so much!

    I’m a geothermal engineer with no business background and 2 years of work experience. My GPA is very high and my first GMAT practice test was a 680. I think I can hit the mid 700s with some more study time. I’m not quite sure what I want to do with my MBA, but I’m definitely bored right now.

    I don’t have leadership experience now, but I was president of my sorority and I am now pretty active in my church.

    Do I have a chance at a top business school like Harvard or Stanford?

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